Being a Remote center for IIT-Bombay’s Aakash tablet R&D activities, it is hereby a call for tablet application project proposals from UG Students/PG Students /Faculty of CSE Department.
The proposals need not be limited to engineering education; they are encouraged to think about deploying Aakash in any part of the education, ranging from primary school, high school, colleges, to professional studies. They are also asked to develop applications and other related contents only in Open Source.
Interested may submit their innovative ideas/ proposals to
The write-up of Aakash Tablet 2 is enclosed herewith for further reference.
For queries contact:
Prof. Vipul V. Bag
Coordinator – Aakash Tablet R&D Project.
NK Orchid College of Engineering and Technology,
Aakash Tablet 2 – An Overview
Aakash (LCAD – Low Cost Access computing Device) is first in a series of Android- based tablet computers. Aakash 2.0, the next generation tablet was launched on 11th November 2012, by Honorable President of India. IIT Bombay jointly with MHRD (Ministry of Human Resource and Development) has planned to employ the usage of tablets for Indian education. These tablets are expected to be deployed in more number for academic and research activities in educational environment.
Specification details of Aakash 2 tablet: Aakash is now available in an enhanced version (Aakash-2) of the original tablet with 7 inch multi-touch 4-point capacitive display and 800×480 pixel resolution. It has a 1 GHz processor, 512 MB memory, 4GB portioned NAND flash and micoSD card slot which can extend upto 32 GB memory and It runs the Android 4.0 Operating System. Aakash 2.0 is a complete educational purpose tablet, that includes 3D-modelling, C++ programming, remote and collaborative training applications, robotic control and live assessment tools. IIT Bombay has partnered with the Center for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC), to assist with the hardware testing and logistics.
Various applications that can be developed may include (but not limited to):
• Research oriented activities
• Embedded Applications
• Applications for Programming, Content development, e-book development
• Interactive applications for e-learning, Game based e-learning applications
• Smart books
• Quiz apps, e-assessment tools
• Learning apps for kids