Name: Dr. J. B. Dafedar
Designation: Principal
About Dr. J. B. Dafedar:
- Exceptional academician, Gold medalist and university topper at Master of Civil-Structure, completed his Ph.D. in Structure from IIT, Bombay.
- 28 years of teaching experience & published several research articles in International & National Journals and conferences.
- Carried out Research & consultancy works on Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, composite mechanics and alternative building materials.
- As a Principal at NKOCET, built an open culture where Faculty & staff members enjoy the freedom to work and excel in their career.
- Working on various models for overall development of students to corroborate the industry needs & to enhance employability of students
Qualification: B.E.( Civil ), M.E.(Structures) Ph.D.( Structures) IIT Bombay
Age: 53 Years
Experience:Teaching : 33 Years,
Research: 13 Years
Areas of Interest:Composite Mechanics , Earthquake Engineering,Alternative Building Materials, Haunched Structures
Publications: International : 5 National : 4
Conferences / STTP / Workshops:Worked as resource person for many workshops.
Committee MemberRecognized PG Teacher &
Ph.D. Guide , Solapur University, Solapur.
E-mail: ,
Professional Memberships:ISTE(LM), MIE
Achievements:Won Gold Medal for being topper in all branches of PG