Name: Prof. M. S. Otari
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Tech(CSE)
Age: 38 Years
Experience: 14 years
Area of Interest: Compilers, Natural Language Processing
1. International Conference: 01
2. National Conference: -Nil-
3. International Journal: 05
4. National Journal: -Nil-
Subject Taught:
UG Level:
1. System Programming
2. Compiler Construction
PG Level:
1. Mobile Computing
2. Natural Language Processing
Project Guided:
1. Morphological Disambiguator for Marathi
2. Plagiarism detection based on shapes and figures
3. Enforcing context sensitive privacy in social networks
4. Sentiment analysis and visualization of customer reviews
5. Adaptive routing prediction for regulating city traffic
Awards & Recognition:
• Awarded as Winner in Content Guru of Inspire Faculty Excellence Awards 2014 at Infosys Campus Connect
• Awarded as “Best Teaching Faculty” at Computer Science and Engineering department 2013-14.
• Awarded as “Pandit” in State Level Lecture Presentation Competition,
GURUQUEST 2012 organized by Government Polytechnic, Miraj.
• Achieved 1st rank in M.Tech.-First Year Examination
• Achieved 1st rank in Final Year Diploma Examination
Conferences / STTP / Workshops
Attended 3 days workshop on Android Application Development conducted
by Mobantica Solutions from 5th to 8th February, 2014 at N.K Orchid
College of Engg. & Tech. Solapur.
2) Attended ISTE approved Two
week Workshop on “Database Management Systems” conducted by Indian
Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB) from 21st to 31st May, 2013 at N.K
Orchid College of Engg. & Tech. Solapur.
3) Attended ISTE
approved Two week Workshop on “Research Methodology” conducted by Indian
Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB) from 25th June to 04 July, 2012
at N.K Orchid College of Engg. & Tech. Solapur.
4) Attended
Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “IBM DB-2”during 8th to 10th
April, 2010 organized by Department of Computer Sci. & Engineering
by Expert from IBM at BMIT, Solapur.
5) Attended Faculty Development
Programme (FDP) on “Induction training to teachers” during 25th to 26th
December, 2010 organized by Department of Computer Sci. &
Engineering by at VVPIT, Solapur.
6) Attended ISTE approved Two week MISSION 10X Workshop by Wipro organized by WIT , Solapur