Name: Prof. R. M. Thavare
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification:M.Sc.(Applied Geology), M.Sc.(Organic Chemistry), B.Ed.
Age: 30 Years
Experience: 8 Years
Area of Interest: Engg. Geology, Engg. Chemistry, Structural geology, Environmental Studies.
1. International Conference: 01
2. National Conference: -Nil-
3. International Journal: 01
4. National Journal: -Nil-
Subject Taught:
1. Engg. Geology
2. Environmental Studies
Conferences / STTP / Workshops
1) Attended Two Week ISST Workshop on “Environmental Studies” Conducted by IIT Bombay at N. K. Orchid College of Engg. & Tech. Solapur on 2nd June to 10th June 2015.
2) Attended Two Day National Conference on “ Human Rights” conducted by Dayanand college of Education Solapur on 29th & 30th Oct. 2011.
3) Attended Two days’ Workshop on “Induction Training to Teachers” at VVP Institute of Engg. and Technology Solapur on 25th and 26th and December 2010