Name: Prof. S. A. Khuba
Designation: Associate Professor
Qualification: M. Tech. (Computer Engineering) by Research from SV NIT Surat, Gujarat State, INDIA
Age: 54 Years
Experience: Industrial: 24 Years and Teaching: 08 Years
Area of Interest: Computer Network, Cyber Security, Computer Programming using Python Language, Enterprise Applications Development using Apache Thrift IDL based Python Microservices, Internet of Things (IoT)
1. International Conference: 01
2. National Conference: -Nil-
3. International Journal: -Nil-
4. National Journal: 03
Subject Taught:
PG Level:
1. Research Methodology
2. Internet Routing
UG Level:
1. Information & Cyber Security
2. Computer Network
3. Data Communication
Project Guided:
UG-06 and PG-04
Awards & Recognition:
Computer Society of India Awardee for promoting e-Governance and IT for masses. Award sponsored by Industry.
Conferences / STTP / Workshops
IIT Workshops on (a) Educational Technology
(b) Computer Network
(c) Network Security