Project Title :- Design & Development of Solar dryer
Project Guide:- Prof.C.V.Papade
Project Overview:IOTo design and develop IOT based solardehydration system with capacity of 100 kg, for working 24 hours by using IR bulbs, also,using PCM material after sun set. Use IOT system to monitor temperature and humidity remotely.
Project Overview;-To design and develop 5 HP pumping system for lifting the water by DC current supply produced the sun rays falls on the photovoltaic cell and introduce energy storing system i.e. batteries to store excess energy generated by the module and use it power the motor when there is no sunlight available.
Project Guide:- Prof.C.V.Papade
Project Overview:-To design and develop Solar operated Milk Pasteurization System with 100 liters capacity per day for Rural
Areas Where Lack of Electricity and Unavailability of large milk Collection Dairies.
Project Guide:-Prof.C.V.Papade