Orchid Solar Vehicle (OSVC)
Mechanical Department has organized First National Level Competition “Orchid Solar Vehicle Competition (OSVC)” on 27/07/19. OSVC was sposored by La Fondation Dassault System. The event preparations started in the month of April 2019. Posters were displayed in various Engineering colleges in Maharashtra, Gujrat, Andhra Pradesh and Tamilnadu. Tota l25 teams from various states have participated and 10 teams were called for the final presentation. For the final day presentation, the Jury members were
- Milind Shastri, Vice President Process & Operation
Strategies, Dassault Systemes, Pune - Vijay Patil, Senior Software Developer, Dassault Systemes,
Pune - Dr. V.V. Potdar, Vice Principal, A.G. Patil Institutes of
Technology, Solapur
All the teams have given very good presentation and also presented the business plan in front of the jury. Out of all the 10 presentation jury finalized 3 ranks as follows:
- Team TNB, Vishwakarma Institute of Information
Technology, Pune, Maharashtra - Team InVestron, Bannari Amman Institute of
Technology, Satymangalam, Tamilnadu - Team SunShark, NK Orchid College of Engineering
& Technology, Solapur, Maharashtra
The volunteersof the NKOCET made this event a grand success. From the institute Dr. Shriniwas S Metan and Prof. Prasad N Kulkarni were the Convener and Coordinator for this event. All Mechanical Engineering Department has taken great efforts for the splendid success of this event. We thank Mr. Hemant Gadgil, La Fondation Dassault System for giving us valuable guidance and support. Also we would like to thank our Hon Principal Dr. J. B. Dafedar for his guidance and support.
Dr.S.S.Metan Prof.P.N.Kulkarni
(Event Coordinator) (Event Coordinator)